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Security Welcome Centers

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Security Welcome Center Rendering

Whether a parent, grandparent, alumni, San Antonio Academy friend, or educator, we can all agree that there is a correlation between the potential for academic success and the learning environment. 

SAA's new Security Welcome Centers will provide monitored and physically controlled access to the Academy campus so that learning can be under the safest possible conditions. These centers will be a symbol of the Academy’s commitment to providing each student with an exceptional environment that will lead to exceptional achievement.


  • Placed at the Gate 1 (Ellison Hall/gym) and Gate 2 (pavilion) entrances to campus
  • Structures for guards to screen visitors, verify credentials, and maintain a vigilant watch over the premises
  • Arm lift gates for controlling vehicle entry to campus
  • New pedestrian fencing
  • New exit drives for improved vehicular flow
  • Electronic marquee signs for improved campus signage

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2024 Security Welcome Centers Construction

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Thank you to those who have given so generously to this campaign!

Nita and Jim Frank

Circle Bar Foundation

Mallory and Stephen Ahl
Taelor Allen and Bryce Chandler
Sara and John Ames
Sarah Beth and John Amini '05
Jennifer and Landon Anderson
Katy and Trey Bader
Emmy and Brian Ballantyne
Nelwyn and Walter Belt
Nel and Toby Belt
Amy and Josh Berg
Carolyn and Jim Berry
Susan Biegler
Erika and Jimmy Boller
Vicki and Gene Brehm
Karen and Todd Brockwell
Karen and Jeff Bryant
Stephanie and Presnall Cage
Micheon and Michael Cahill
Nerea and Alan Claiborne
Terry and Mark Collier
Kate and Chris Conger
Emily and Mark Connally
Linda and Werk Cook
Katy and Porter Corrigan
Elizabeth and Ernest Cox
Toni and John Craig
Jeana and Patrick Crump
Ann and William Dennis
Miguel Dilley '95
Rachel and Joseph Donnelly
Virginia Nell and Robert
Burkley and Jonny Fitzsimons '04
Malini and Justin Fowler
Susanna and Bob Frankland
Lou Celia and Don Frost '72
Lauren and Craig Garansuay
Ruthie Gessinger
Adriana and Gerardo Gomez
Clarissa and Reese Grebe
CeCe and James Griffin
Triana and Brandon Grossman '92
Koren and Jason Growcock
Lindsay and Jack Guenther
Julie B. Harrell
Rebecca and Willie Harte '98
Sarah Harte
Allegra and Hunter Hawkins
Christine and Joe Haynes
Lee Anne and Stuart Hendry
Lynne and Peter Hennessey
Margery and Bill Hoffman
Julianna Holt
Meredith and Mike Howard
Erin and Morriss Hurt
Alexandra and Andrew Johnson
Ann and A.C. Jones
The Joseph & Martye Rubin Foundation
Veronica and Stephen Kepchar
Christina and Evan Ketabchi
Emily and Geoff King
Aleyda and James Kniestedt
Anna and Mark Koalenz
Elisabeth and Matt Koehler
Lisa and Ed Kopplow
Cally and Will Kothmann
Liza and Jack Lewis

Ashley and Alcide Longoria
Maree and Alcide F. Longoria
Lauren and Jonathan Malitz
Lauren and Jake Mancuso
Jennifer and Gary Marvin '89
Carlisle and Ches Swann
Callie and Wes Mayo
Carolyn and Randy Mayo
Marie and Ryan Mays
McCombs Foundation
Rebecca and Lee McKenna
Meighan McNulty and Lee Coggins
Jan and Gib Meadows
Myra Stafford Pryor Charitable Trust
Nelson Puett Foundation
Cassandra and Daniel Ortiz
Sarah and Jonathan Owens
Celeste and David Pavelka '84
Stephen Pitt
Callie and Andrew Price
Dawn and Paul Quick
Amber and Michael Rash
Corinna and JB Richter
Barbara and John Robb
Helen and Paul Rohlfs
Caroline and Alex Rozanski
Lauren and John Saunders
Sallie and Jonathon Schneider '04
Andrea and Joseph Shields '05
Mo and Barrett Shipp
Kassie and Matt Silva '02
Haley and Andrew Simms
Stacy and Clayton Smaistrla
Molly and Kacey Smart
Tinsley and Chad Smith
Miriam and Terry Smith
Gail and Bruce Smith
Barbara and Jerry Steed
Straus Family Charitable Trust
Becky and John Summers '97
Ginny and John Summers
Anna Lisa and Daniel Tamez
Fannie and Clayton Thomas
Louise and Jimmie Thurmond
Natalie and Andrew Trevino
Nancy and Robert Turnbull '98
Brooke and Court Urban
Mallory and Mikey Vaughan '05
Catharine and Jeff Vexler
Dawn and Bruce Walker
Lisa and Damien Watel
Ann Watson
Ashley and Rad Weaver
Emily and Alex Whittington
Amanda and Alan Williams
Amanda and Jim Williams
Mary and Bowman Williams
Christen and George Wommack
Carole and Elgin Wong
Barbara Wood
Corinne and Jim Yancy '66
Elizabeth and Will Yancy '05
Linda Yarborough
Yuliya and Stan Zebrowski
Jenevieve and Frank Zoch
Melissa and Manuel Zuniga