Public Speaking
At San Antonio Academy, boys learn to demonstrate poise and confidence and express themselves clearly and expressively as a result of the numerous opportunities for public displays of understanding.
Many parents share the belief of always being able to "spot an Academy Boy" out in the community based upon how they interact and speak to adults.
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Grade-Level Performances
Public speaking begins as early as Pre-Kindergarten, with plays performed based on children's books and carried on all the way through 8th grade with the legendary Shakespeare Play. "Reading Restaurant" in 1st grade, the Poetry Extravaganza in 2nd grade, and "A Day at the Museum" in 3rd grade are other big events that support public speaking.
W.T. Bondurant Jr. Oratorical Contest
The Oratorical Contest is an opportunity for 6th-8th graders to compete by using their writing and speaking skills. Each year, two boys from each of the Middle School grade-levels present a personal essay in front of an alumni audience who judge the contest and provide valuable guidance on becoming effective orators. Essays are then scored and a winning speech is selected.
Officer of the Day
8th graders have the job of Officer of the Day during Chapel every morning to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance, and report out any school news and uniform schedules.
Fraternitas Fridays
8th graders have the opportunity to deliver a speech during Chapel each Friday on any of the Four Pillars from our Portrait of an Academy Boy: Scholarship, Leadership, Integrity, and Brotherhood; or to the school motto of "Be honest. Be kind. Be the best you can be."