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Primary School (Pre-K–2nd Grade)

elementary school

In the Primary School (Pre-Kindergarten through 2nd grade), young boys prepare for the opportunity of lifelong learning through a nurturing, age-appropriate, academically challenging program. At San Antonio Academy, Primary School classes remain small to ensure each student receives individualized attention. 

primary school teacher with student
Primary School Musical
Primary School Academics

The Primary School program is created using our understanding of the developmental sequence of boys and teaching strategies proven to be beneficial for boys’ learning. 

The program offers courses in language arts, mathematics, science, social studies and Spanish, as well as instruction in visual and performing arts. Students also attend classes in Outdoor Learning and STEM. Daily physical education fosters self-confidence and a positive attitude through fitness and athletic skills. Boys attend a daily Chapel where the whole school gathers to learn life lessons based on The Academy’s motto: Be honest. Be kind. Be the best you can be.®

The academic program in the Primary School is reviewed on a continuous basis to make adjustments to pacing and scope based upon the individual student and whole class needs. Curriculum planning centers on the use of the 6 C’s of 21st Century Learning: Critical thinking; Communicating clearly; Collaborative work; Cultural awareness; Creativity development; and Connectivity through technology and interpersonal skills. 

Explore the Curriculum

WELL Afterschool Program - LEGOS

At the end of the day, there's more to explore!

When the school day ends, the fun continues for our boys through our After-School Care and WELL (Wildcat Extended Learning and Leadership) programs. These popular options include classes in coding, chess, sports, cooking, and more.

Learn more about our after-school programming.