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The Bondurant Library serves as the hub of intellectual activity, fostering the pursuit of knowledge and the exchange of ideas by connecting the library to each student, teacher, classroom and discipline.

SAA Museum

Located in the mezzanine level of The Academy's Bondurant Library, the museum offers diverse historical exhibits that provide a vivid glimpse into the past.

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Pre-Kindergarten through 4th grade students attend library class once per week, while 5th-8th graders visit as scheduled by their teachers. While encouraging a love of reading, students are taught to become effective and discriminating users of information and to develop strategies for lifelong learning.


Library Programs

SAA Makerspace

SAA's Makerspace is a creative place for students to explore, learn, and share resources and knowledge. Materials, tools, and various technologies are provided to encourage hands-on activities and self-directed learning. 

Activities might include cardboard construction or origami, Little Bits, Keva Contraptions, Legos, magnets, computer coding, 3D Printing, and more.

Author Visits at San Antonio Academy
Author Visits

The Bondurant Library hosts award-winning authors, who visit to share their journeys to becoming published. Those who have visited include: Angela Cervantes, author of “Me, Frida, and the Secret of the Peacock Ring;” George O'Connor, author and illustrator of the “Olympians” series; Lisa Wheeler, author of the “Dino-Sports” and “Dino-Holidays” books; Alan Williams, author of “Little Teammate;” and Jacqueline West, author of "The Books of Elsewhere" series.

miss anastasia visits SAA
Miss Anastasia

Miss Anastasia from The Twig Book Shop visits twice a year and reads to Primary School boys. Her animated and interactive method of storytelling captures the attention of our boys, as she enthusiastically brings each book to life.

SAA Museum
SAA Museum

To celebrate SAA's rich history and to provide a living record of its relationship to individuals, families and institutions throughout the United States, the San Antonio Academy Museum was created. Located in the mezzanine level of The Academy’s Bondurant Library, the Museum offers diverse historical exhibits that provide a vivid glimpse into the past.

Read more about the museum and its artifacts.

SAA Book Fair
Book Fair

A book fair is held during the fall and spring and is sponsored by The Twig Book Shop. Students have the opportunity to visit the fair with their class and purchase Summer Reading Books.