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Creating Confidence Through Art

The San Antonio Academy art program opens the eyes of our students to the influence and power of imagination and creativity in the world. SAA art students learn the fundamental skills and concepts of art, in addition to art history and lives of famous artists.

Private Elementary School San Antonio TX | Private Boys School | Drawing in Art Class

Art is viewed as an integral subject in the overall humanities program offered at The Academy.

Students in Pre-Kindergarten through 6th grade receive weekly instruction in the school's expansive art facility, which features a fully-equipped ceramics studio with two fully operational kilns. An art elective is offered to the 7th and 8th graders.

Students are taught the fundamentals of art and are encouraged to develop personal technique and style, while enjoying the opportunity to express themselves in a variety of media. Formal instruction includes work in drawing with pencil, charcoal, pastels, ink, painting in watercolor, tempera and acrylic, and ceramic work. A student art show, held each spring, displays selected works created by boys in 1st through 8th grades.

Independent Private Kindergarten San Antonio TX | Private All Boys School | Kindergarten Art Gallery

An additional component of the art curriculum is the weekly discussion of art history and the lives of famous artists. Afternoon classes in drawing, painting and clay are offered in the fall and spring. Field trips to local museums and galleries are also an option available to students for further study.