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Summer Skills Workbooks

Summer Skills Workbooks

Dear Parents,

Each spring, SAA offers parents the opportunity to purchase workbooks designed to improve and enhance skills over the summer months in a variety of subjects (math, language arts, Spanish, keyboarding, etc.). SAA recommends every student complete some type of skill review over the summer. However, the purchase of this material or other review materials is optional. SAA will provide a copy of Math Skills Review for students in grades kindergarten through 4th grade. Parents interested in purchasing math workbooks for 5th grade and older, or other subject areas, may order them directly from the company (Tri-C Publications, Inc.) and have the workbooks delivered directly to their homes. The workbooks can be ordered at

As an added incentive, students who complete a Summer Math Skills Review will have the opportunity to earn a summer math medal or ribbon. To qualify for the recognition, students MUST complete the entire Summer Math Skills Review and return it by Tuesday of the second week of school to their homeroom teacher. 

*Please note that you should order the grade level your child JUST completed. 

Grade Level

Award for Completing Math Workbook

Summer Workbook

Pre-Kindergarten Ribbon Math workbooks will be provided by SAA; other subjects can be ordered if interested.
Kindergarten Ribbon
1st Grade Ribbon
2nd Grade Medal
3rd Grade Medal
4th Grade Medal
5th Grade Medal Math Workbooks and other subjects are available for parents to purchase.
6th Grade Medal
7th Grade (Pre-Algebra or Middle School Math) Medal
8th Grade (Algebra or Geometry) N/A


For any additional questions or recommendations, please visit or contact your son's current teacher.

Patrick Atkerson
Director of Curriculum and Student Support

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