How do we help our families, students, and staff?
- Uniform Outlet
- Taco Sale / Snack Sale
- Speaker Series
- Boosters / Alamo Honor Guard
- Birthday / Holiday Staff Bonuses
- Teacher Appreciation Week
- Carpool Tags
Uniform Outlet
Taco Sale / Snack Sale
Speaker Series
Boosters / Alamo Honor Guard
Birthday / Holiday Staff Bonuses
Teacher Appreciation Week
Carpool Tags
Support Parents Club
We know parents are called to help in lots of ways. We hope that you will find a way to donate both your time and your money to support our families, students, and staff.
The suggested donation is $50 per student, but please give as much or as little as you can or simply donate your time.
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer information and sign-ups are available through our membership site: Member Login