Counseling & Wellness
San Antonio Academy's Comprehensive Counseling and Wellness program provides a high-quality and effective counseling and wellness model addressing the personal, social, academic, and career development competencies of all students so that they may realize and achieve their personal goals
Recognizing the importance of the entire educational community, the SAA Counseling and Wellness team serves as an integral member of the school, enabling all students the opportunity to fully progress so that they can be prepared to effectively manage future challenges. The SAA Counseling and Wellness program framework was created in alignment with the Texas Model for Comprehensive School Counseling Programs and the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning. This framework is intended to guide the team in the development of measurably effective counseling and wellness services.
Meet Our Team
Ernest Cox Jr, PhD, NCC, CSC, ECJ
Director of Counseling & Wellness
Charlotte Turlington
SEL Coordinator
All students can achieve academic success when given appropriate supports in safe and nurturing environments while respecting their unique and diverse needs.
All students have value and the right to have access to a comprehensive school counseling and wellness program.
All students can grow when their personal and social needs are met.
The counseling and wellness team will advocate for student needs through student-centered policies and procedures.
The counseling and wellness team will support students in personal and social development (“social-emotional learning”) using restorative and empowering strategies.
The counseling and wellness team will utilize data (behavior, attendance, and academic achievement) to identify the needs of individual students and determine the focus of the school counseling program.
The counseling and wellness team understands student personal-social developmental stages and will provide referrals and support as necessary.