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After-School Care

after school care at san antonio academy

After-School Care (ASC) is available to all Primary School students (grades Pre-K through 2nd) from 3:00-5:30 PM with Extended Care from 5:30-6:00 PM. 

2024-25 Rates

Annual Plan
Unlimited Use
3:00-5:30 PM
$3,150 Yearly Rate (non-refundable)
Delayed Pick-Up Plan
Unlimited Use
3:00-3:45 PM
$1,150 Yearly Rate (non-refundable) or complimentary with Upper School sibling/carpool
Daily Plans
3:00-5:30 PM $40 Daily After-School Care Rate
5:30-6:00 PM $40 Extended Care Rate (regardless of plan)
6:00 PM or after $75 Late Fee (regardless of plan)

Schedules and Fees

ASC Policies

The following policies have been put in place for the safety of SAA families:

  1. Older siblings will not be allowed to pick up and sign out boys from ASC. The person picking up must be 18 years or older. 
  2. ASC staff cannot sign out a student for a parent. The parent must be present to sign the student out and take the student. 
  3. Anyone other than the parent must bring and show ID and be on the authorized pick-up list. If changes in pick-up occur, please notify your child's teacher and Sherry Omidi, After-School Care Coordinator. 
  4. Once a student is picked up from carpool or signed out from ASC, he may not return to ASC that day. 

Upper School carpools must be picked up by 3:45 PM to avoid being charged the daily rate. After-School Care is not provided free of charge for Upper School enrichment/athletic activities.