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Blair Labatt, Class of 1996

Blair Labatt, Class of 1996

Every year, the FIRST Lego League Robotics competition includes an innovation challenge based on a theme. This year's theme is Cargo Connect - the transport of cargo/goods. SAA's robotics team thought it would be great to learn about Cargo Connect from a pro who is also an SAA alumni - Blair Labatt, class of 1996. A Princeton graduate, Labatt, joined by his colleague Kevin Pardinas, visited the team to explain warehouse operations and over-the-road transport at Labatt Foods.

Labatt Foods purchases from 1,000 different vendors and has 2,000 different customers with five warehouses in Texas and New Mexico. They run over 250 trucks every day to make these deliveries, with one of those deliveries being right here to the SAA cafeteria every Thursday.

With all the knowledge they gained, our robotics team will now research where they can improve an existing product or process and present their findings to Labatt and Cardenas for review and critique.

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