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Wilson Little Named Inaugural Recipient of Traylor Azar '19 Spirit of The Academy Award

Wilson Little Named Inaugural Recipient of Traylor Azar '19 Spirit of The Academy Award

To honor Traylor Azar '19 who passed away in January 2022, a new award has been added to the Commencement ceremony in May. The Traylor Azar ‘19 Spirit of The Academy Award is presented to the 8th grade student, selected by his 8th grade peers and faculty and staff, who shows enthusiastic spirit for The Academy, exhibits a commitment to teamwork, and embraces the values of The Academy. Traylor was recognized by his teachers and peers for his gregarious spirit, kindness, enthusiasm, love of San Antonio Academy and his Academy brothers, and passion for sports, especially football. Traylor’s spirit is typified by his example for his teammates as football manager, being the first to arrive at practice and the last to leave.

The inaugural recipient of the 2023 award is Wilson Little '23 pictured with Traylor's parents, Emily and Ben Azar.   


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