2023-24 Battalion Leadership Ceremony
Posted October 30, 2023
After an extensive evaluation process that includes a holistic review of each 7th and 8th grade cadet, the San Antonio Academy Order of Merit Committee announced the Battalion leadership positions for the 2023-24 school year on Monday, October 30. The ceremony included the induction of all 8th grade students and 18 7th graders into their new ranks.
7th and 8th grade cadets take the SAA Oath of Office, promising to uphold the standards of the SAA Battalion and their new rank.
Starting in the 7th grade and into their 8th-grade year, boys are considered for positions that include Commanders, Executive Officers, Platoon Leaders, Battalion Staff, First Sergeants, Squad Leaders, and Guideon Bearers. Duties vary by position but range from being responsible for all Battalion activities in the highest-ranking position of Battalion Commander to positions throughout each of the six companies to ensure they run well.
To select positions, each fall, the Commandant forms a committee to complete the review process. The committee rates each student’s overall leadership abilities through teacher rankings, peer rankings, inspections, school spirit, grades, conduct, and in- and out-of-school activities. From these variables, the committee forms an Order of Merit List (OML) with recommendations for positions and endorsement by the committee chair. Final review and approval are then made by the Head of School.
Former Battalion Commander, Billy Conn '16, proudly helps add ranks to his younger brother's uniform, 8th grader Robert, who assumed the role of SAA's 2023-24 Battalion Commander.
The boys hold their ranks throughout the school year until they have completed their challenging leadership development and educational experience on commencement day. Playing a vital part in providing an exceptional experience intentionally crafted for boys, these roles enrich student life, complement academics, and uphold the school's traditions and values. Once 8th grade cadets have formally been relieved of duty on the day of commencement, leadership officially transitions to the 7th graders.
Newly appointed Battalion Commander Robert C., photographed with former SAA Battalion Commanders Garrett Notzon '09, LtCol. Jeremiah Leibowitz '91, Ethan Ausburn '10, Lee Brockwell '23, Billy Conn '16, Matt Silva '02, and Alston Beinhorn '65.
In continuation of a new tradition, we were also joined by seven former Battalion Commanders to watch and inspire the 7th and 8th-grade boys as they were inducted.
Congratulations to the 7th and 8th-grade students who were selected for 2023-24 leadership positions. View the assigned positions.
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