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Semmes Foundation Head of School

Message to the SAA Community from Paul Quick

Dear San Antonio Academy,

Being appointed the Semmes Foundation Head of School of San Antonio Academy and having the opportunity to lead and steward this community is an honor, a privilege, and a blessing indeed. Knowing all that has been accomplished before, and appreciating all those that toil here now to make The Academy the very best it can be, the responsibility to continue and extend its legacy is, has been, and continues to be our commitment.

What is required of us is a devotion to the boys, a devotion to each other, and a devotion to our mission, vision, and motto.

From this point forward, we rededicate ourselves to offering an exceptional education intentionally crafted for boys; inspiring scholarship, leadership, and integrity; fostering curiosity, inquiry, and experimentation; creating connections between older and younger boys, building our Bond of Brothers; fashioning an environment in which every boy is known, valued, and understood; and finally, equipping, engaging, and guiding every boy to live out and live up to our creed: Be honest. Be kind. Be the best you can be.

One can find “ordinary boys” at any school, but what is most inspiring about San Antonio Academy is that here, our Bond of Brothers builds “extraordinary boys” and turns them into fine young men. These fine young men are identified in our greater San Antonio community by their bearing, their civility, their confidence, and their humility and are simply described as an “Academy Boy.” By knowing, understanding, and valuing each boy’s unique gifts, The Academy shapes those once “ordinary boys” and transforms them into “Academy Boys” who are honest, kind, and always striving to be the best they can be. Toward that goal, we aspire to be an institution that educates boys for life; preparing each young man for his noble purpose.

With the warnings now in our greater culture regarding “toxic masculinity,” it has never been more important to raise young men “that shall be known by their scholarship, leadership, and integrity” (Dr. Seeley, Founder of San Antonio Academy). For parents of boys, ages 4 to 14, sending their boy to The Academy will inoculate him from “toxic masculinity;” cultivating the “Academy Boy” is the remedy for that noxious cultural malady.

The responsibility to equip and guide the next generation of young men is best done in partnership between parents, grandparents, and the school. While each of us has a role to play, partnering together and ensuring that we teach and reinforce our creed is the obligation of all within our community.

It is an honor and blessing to be part of a community that is dedicated to “offering an exceptional education intentionally crafted for boys.” How could one not want to participate in such a divine calling? It is a glorious gift to have an opportunity to lead that endeavor. Dawn and I are so grateful that we have the opportunity to play a small part in the ongoing legacy of San Antonio Academy.


Paul M. Quick
Semmes Foundation Head of School
San Antonio Academy